Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Alphabet Big Book

 Students will go back to this Big Book again and again . . .  because they made it!  
 I had the fantastic opportunity to present at the SDE (Staff Development for Educators) I Teach K National Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 11th - 14th.  Wow!  Room after room of  enthusiastic Kindergarten teachers (My kind of people!) getting new ideas for their Kindergarten classrooms.  Thanks to all the great people who joined me for my sessions. 
Here's an idea for a bookmaking session I presented at the I Teach K conference. I'll post more ideas from more sessions as the school year moves along.  
Alphabet Big Book
Letters of the Alphabet - Bookmaking
Prepare 26 big book pages by gluing 2 cutout letters, 1 capital and 1 lower case for each letter of the alphabet, to a half sheet of poster board. Children work in groups to create a page for each letter. They can draw pictures or place stickers that begin with that letter on the page. Add some handwriting samples of the letter as well as matching letters cut from magazines or newspapers. You could follow a certain format for each page or let them all be different; it's up to you and your students. Put all the pages together for a class ABC Big Book.
I put a white piece of paper in the middle and tell students NOT to draw or paste anything in that area. To finish off each page I take and paste a photograph of children whose names begin with that letter and an item or two from the classroom that also begins with that letter.  For example: If you look carefully at the picture below, you will see Clara, Colton and Connor pointing to the clock. 
I also laminate the handwriting paper at the bottom of each page so students can practice writing that particular letter. Wipe it off  so it's ready for the next person. 

More Clothespin Fun - Make Name Squares then . . . Clip It!

Great Literacy Activity for the first week of school!    
 Name Squares
Name Recognition & Small Motor Skills

All you need is paper, scissors, glue and magazines. Students cut out large letters to spell their names. They glue the letters onto 9" x 9" squares of construction paper or poster boards. Children may decorate their Name Squares with markers, stickers, drawings or pictures cut from magazines.  Laminate and save the Name Squares. Use them for the Clip It! activity described below. These can be used all year long for a variety of sorting and letter recognition activities.  
Clip It!
Visual Discrimination - Letters of the Alphabet
After students make Name Squares, it's time to use them again - this time for Clip It! - a literacy activity.  Write all the letters of the alphabet on clothespins. You will need to have several clothespins for each letter, especially the vowels. Children clip clothespins to the Name Squares matching all the letters in their own name. For example, the name Tom would have the clothespins T-O-M attached. Children will want to match names of their classmates too. They can revisit this activity again and again using different Name Squares each time.