I am proud to announce the opening of my Teachers pay Teachers online store! Visit the store at www.teacherspayteachers.com/store/kt-education and download the Math freebie.
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In the 29 page FREE packet featured below: Kindergartners at Work - Six Super Activities: Math you will find 6 Math activities based on the Common Core for Kindergarten that address a Math skill or concept. These Math activities are intended to be used as "center" activities, however, they work well in small group settings or with the whole class as well. Be sure to introduce, model and practice with the whole class before putting the activities into a center.

Marvelous May includes 40 pages of engaging activities including:
Literacy: sight word activities
Writing: poetry and riddle writing
Math: addition fact families
Science: parts of a flower
Social Studies: transportation activities with lots of cards to identify, sort and categorize
Arts & Crafts: pet rocks with planning sheets for students
Literacy: sight word activities
Writing: poetry and riddle writing
Math: addition fact families
Science: parts of a flower
Social Studies: transportation activities with lots of cards to identify, sort and categorize
Arts & Crafts: pet rocks with planning sheets for students
Great integrated unit based on the book Care For Our World by Karen Robbins. This unit can be used to enhance your Spring or Earth Day activities. There are 52 pages packed with direction cards and ready to use activities from the Super 6 areas of the curriculum - Literacy, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Arts & Crafts. Templates, worksheets, fact cards, writing pages, step by step directions and SO MUCH MORE!